What people are saying

  • I would bet 10-15% savings from this

  • I agree that the construction world is terribly inefficient and needs something like this

  • The other value is speed. It'll take 1 month to get to the right construction cost instead of 8

  • I can't do this without a software or it'll cost me too much relational / political capital

  • This industry is still antiquated, archaic, and inefficient. We desperately need something like this.

  • I love how it will organically keep everyone honest

  • I have no doubt that market forces are more influential than design choices

  • It would be great not to have to ask CMs to spin their wheels but to let them voluntarily spin their wheels.

  • When I run a bid process, some CMs will be too busy. Having an open platform means they can come back when they're less busy and go aggressive.

  • This will be extremely helpful when developing in geographies we're less familiar with

  • I 100% agree that crowdsourcing value engineering ideas from the industry is the way to go

  • I know the product is not ready yet, but sign me up :)

  • Shocking Common Sense